Our senior naturalist, Zack, was on both trips today, joined by Allied Whale research assistant Jillian. Both Zack and Jillian were busy as the whale watch sighted 7 to 8 finback whales offshore! A particular individual caught their attention due to the large V-shaped scar on the tail stock. When the finback whale takes a deep dive, it lifts the back high out of the water exposing the tail stock. The research assistants take a series of photos along both sides of the whale in order to capture the chevron pattern and any possible scars or other identifiable markings.
Photos Jillian took on the trip will be uploaded in the database and then analyzed by comparing the photos to those of whales already in the catalog. This way they can learn more about finback whale biology and population. Therefore, when passengers come on the whale watch they help to support Allied Whale's research! So thanks to all that came on today's trip and past excursions.
To see more photos from today's trips check out our Facebook page.
Photos: Walter Churchill