Sunday, July 5, 2009

Fantastic Finbacks on the Fourth of July!

July 4, 2009

We hope that everyone had a great Fourth of July because we sure did! Although our morning trip was quite foggy, we managed to find two finback whales. We had one good look, but they were swimming at the surface very fast. It is no wonder they are nicknamed the "greyhounds of the sea"! They can burst up to speeds between 25-30mph when chasing after their prey. Feeding was probably on the agenda for those two finbacks.

However, the afternoon trip was wonderful! The fog in Frenchman Bay had started to move off as we boarded and to our surprise, continued to due so as we ventured offshore. The visibility was improving. With binoculars in hand we scanned the horizon looking for blows rising from the surface of the water. It did not take us long. One blow eventually turned in to four blows as a group of four finback whales came to the surface.

These finbacks were taking about 5 to10 minute dives. At one point a finback stuck its head out of the water as it surfaced! Its mouth was partially opened and the lower jaw was ballooned out indicating that this whale just came up with food in its mouth. The whales kept our research assistant, Laura, very busy!

At one point all four finbacks came right up next to the boat. People were in awe as it gave them the opportunity to get close looks and see just how enormous these animals are! Check out this video taken from the naturalist's station on the Friendship V.