Phew! The beautiful weather and awesome whale sightings this weekend kept us busy! Finally have some time to catch up on the blog! On July 10th passengers and crew aboard the Friendship V enjoyed many finback whales and a few different humpback whales. Many different species of pelagic seabirds were seen as well. It seems like food remains plentiful for the marine life offshore.
On the morning trip the whale watch came across a juvenile humpback whale. This is an individual we saw a couple of days ago. Along with this humpback 6 finback whales were in the area- a group of two and a group of four.
In the afternoon a pair of humpback whales, Siphon and her calf, were found resting at the surface. We call this behavior "logging" because the backs of the whales look like logs as they rest at the surface. It is thought that whales shut half of their brain off to rest, while the other half stays awake to keep the whale swimming and breathing. After resting for a while the calf decided to do some head stands, sticking its tail out of the water.
In the late afternoon the whale watch continued to see Siphon and her calf. The calf was lob tailing and doing headstands. Such an active calf! A minke whale and 5 finback whales were also seen.