Thursday, October 22, 2009

Thanks for a great season!

So as we rap up these last days of the whale watch, I would like to thank all of our crew for working so hard keeping the boats running and for tending to our passengers, and overall for making this a great year. While our whales left our ballpark for Canadian waters, even in the final days of the whale watch, we had been seeing great whales on all our trips. Though it took us longer to get to them, we had great sightings. On the Grand Manan Banks we had two feeding humpbacks and one Finback whale! We stayed with them for an hour and forty-five minutes and everyone had a great time and came back to a beautiful sunset greeting them. Not a bad way to end the season! We do hope that everyone comes back next year to enjoy these magnificent whales and scenery with the Bar Harbor Whale Watch Company again! Thank you!

Naturalist Linda